
The book Aesthetics and Values: Contemporary Perspectives, edited by researchers Claudio Rozzoni and Nélio Conceição, has just been published by Mimesis International.
Fostering a dialogue enriched by contributions from both the analytic and the continental tradition (and drawing on authors such as Broch, Diderot, Levinson, and Wittgenstein), this volume delves into the complex relationship between aesthetics and values. The chapters gathered here reveal decisive aspects of the nature of aesthetic and artistic values, as well as their multiple connections to other kinds of value. On the one hand, they shed light on how aesthetic value can be distinguished from artistic value, with which it is often associated and sometimes even confused. On the other hand, they inquire into how both aesthetic and artistic values relate to ethical, cognitive, and political values – a task that is becoming increasingly urgent in contemporary debates on the role art can play in our lives.
More info here.
The book includes the following contributions
Claudio Rozzoni and Nélio Conceição
Values of the Aesthetic? Clearing up the Question
Nuno Fonseca
From ‘Evaluating Music’ to the Value of Literature: Values-beyond-experience
Salvador Rubio Marco
For a Reflective Moralism
Carole Talon-Hugon
The Moral Dimension of the Picture and the Judgement of Value
Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis
The Glow of Irrationality in Art: The Question of Artistic Values in Hermann Broch
Maria Filomena Molder
“The World and Life Are One”: Sense and Value in Early Wittgenstein
Alexandra Dias Fortes
Paradoxes of Mimesis and the Value of Display
Elena Tavani