Edited by IFILNOVA in Partnership with Peter Lang

Philosophical Perspectives on the Self

For the last decade the topic of the Self has been under intense scrutiny from researchers of various areas spanning from philosophy, neurosciences, and psychology to anthropology and sociology. The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from phenomenology and psychoanalysis to metaphysics and neurophilosophy and discusses several and distinct problems such as personal identity, the core/narrative self-distinction, psychopathologies, the mind-body problem and the nature of the relations between self, consciousness and emotions. The book reflects these different philosophical problems and approaches and aims to provide a map of current philosophical perspectives on the topic of the Self.


This book is part of the series “Lisbon Philosophical Studies – Uses of Languages in Interdisciplinary Fields” edited by António Marques and Nuno Venturinha in partnership with Peter Lang.