EPLab • Reading Group

What We Do When We Define Morality (and Why We Need to Do It)

Audun Dahl (Cornell University)

The Sciences of Ethics and Political Philosophy Reading Group will get together on February 12, at 3 PM [WET], to discuss a paper by Audun Dahl (2023), What We Do When We Define Morality (and Why We Need to Do It). Psychological Inquiry, 34(2), 53–79. This session will have the confirmed presence of the author.


Psychological research on morality relies on definitions of morality. Yet the various definitions often go unstated. When unstated definitions diverge, theoretical disagreements become intractable, as theories that purport to explain “morality” actually talk about very different things. This article argues that we need to define morality and considers four common ways of doing so: The linguistic, the functionalist, the evaluating, and the normative. Each has encountered difficulties. To surmount those difficulties, I propose a technical, psychological, empirical, and distinctive definition of morality: obligatory concerns with others’ welfare, rights, fairness, and justice, as well plus the reasoning, judgment, emotions, and actions that spring from those concerns. By articulating workable definitions of morality, psychologists can communicate more clearly across paradigms, separate definitional from empirical disagreements, and jointly advance the field of moral psychology.

Anyone interested in participating can send an email to Filipe Faria: [email protected].

The Sciences of Ethics and Political Philosophy Reading Group is an international monthly-assembling online reading group co-hosted by the CFCUL and the Ethics and Political Philosophy Lab (EPLab) of the IFILNOVA. More information about the group here.

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science under the project UID/00183: NOVA Institute of Philosophy.