CineLab • Book launch

The game of induction: automatisation of knowledge production and philosophical reflection, by Anna Longo

Book presentation

Le jeu de l’induction (éditions Mimesis 2022) retraces the transformations in the conception of inductive reasoning that have led to contemporary automatization of knowledge production. By focusing on Bayesian probability as well as on game theory, the book accounts for the construction of the economic model of rational agents that informs contemporary AI. This study is key to explain the greater inequalities that affect present societies organized around a market based on a new commodity: information. When humans are reduced to predictable patterns and to ressources of data that fuel the technological optimisation of information consumption, what is the role of intellectual and artistic creations? Are they condemned to be complicit with automated systems for knowledge production or do they testify of another form of knowledge irreducible to the former?


Anna Longo is a philosopher. She obtained her PhD in Aesthetics Philosophy at University Paris 1. She is a member of the Collège International de Philosophie (Paris). She has taught at the University Panthéon-Sorbonne and CalArts (Los Angeles), and is an instructor at the New Centre for Research & Practice. Her research crosses several fields such as metaphysics, epistemology, and aesthetics. She is the author and editor of several books such as Le paradoxe de la finitude (2019); La genèse du transcendantal (2017); Breaking the Spell: Speculative Realism under Discussion (2015); Time without Becoming (2014), and Divenire della conoscenza: estetica e contingenza del reale (2013). Her last book, Le jeu de l’induction: automatisation de la connaissance et réflexion philosophique (Mimésis, 2022), reconstructs the transformations of inductive reasoning that lead to the automatization of knowledge production thanks to probability theory.

Online participation: if you wish to receive the Zoom link, please contact Erik Bordeleau at

This event is organized by Erik Bordeleau and will take place within the scope of the activities of the Art and Technology working group.

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science under the project UIDB/00183/2020.