Outlab • Workshop

International Migrants Day 2024

1st Workshop on Migration, Asylum and Border Management in the European Union

Migration, whether forced or voluntary, is a complex phenomenon influenced by socio-economic, political and environmental factors. In the European Union, these issues have been dealt with within the framework of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, with a focus on asylum, immigration and external border management policies. However, the actions of the Union and the Member States face significant challenges, such as the influence of xenophobic discourses and gaps in the application of human rights. This context has aggravated political and social tensions, both internal and external, challenging cohesion and solidarity in the region.

As part of the International Day of Migrants celebrations, the 1st Workshop on Migration, Asylum and Border Management in the European Union aims to create a space for interdisciplinary dialogue, bringing together academics, activists and professionals from international and public organisations. The event proposes a critical and comprehensive analysis of migratory dynamics, promoting the sharing of knowledge on research, policies and practices in this field.

The workshop thus seeks to foster informed reflection on the challenges and responses in the context of migration, with an emphasis on border management and migration and asylum policies in the European Union, contributing to constructive debates that allow us to (re-)analyse the concept of global citizenship.

This hybrid event is part of the activities of the Jean Monnet Module EUAsPO jointly coordinated by DHEEAA-FLUC, NOVAAsylum Policy Lab, CES, CEIS20, APCP (with the support of the International Relations Section), and will take place on 13 December at NOVA FCSH – Colégio Almada Negreiros (Campus Campolide).


Didier Bigo (Sciences-Po Paris-CERI)

In-person Registration

Online Registration



9:30–9:45 | Opening Remarks

Vanda Amaro Dias (FLUC-DHEEAA, CES) & Dina Sebastião (FLUC – DHEEAA, CEIS20)
Gabriele de Angelis (NOVA Asylum Policy Lab, IFILNOVA-FCSH) & Emellin de Oliveira (NOVA Asylum Policy Lab, CEDIS – NOVA School of Law)

9:45–10:30 | Keynote Speech (Session in English, Online)

“Sociology of Border Controls and the Securitization of Migration”

Didier Bigo, Emeritus Research Professor of International Political Sociology at Sciences-Po Paris-CERI, France

CHAIR: Emellin de Oliveira, Executive Coordinator, NOVA Asylum Policy Lab; Researcher, CEDIS – NOVA School of Law

10:30–11:30 | Ongoing Research on Migration and Asylum I

Sara Carrasco Granger (Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos): “Scapegoating Human Smugglers and (Mis)labelling Unauthorized Arrivals: How First-hand Accounts of Migrants Challenge EU Narrative”

Ana Beatriz Coelho (FLUC): “Roots, Identities, and Longings: The Portuguese in France and European Citizenship”

Natacha Rodrigues (FLUC): “Between Europeanisation and Externalisation: A Comparative Study of National Asylum Policies in Spain, Italy, and Portugal”

CHAIR: André Pereira Matos, Assistant Professor, Universidade Aberta

11:30–12:30 | Ongoing Research on Migration and Asylum II

Catarina Francisco dos Reis (NOVA FCSH): “The EU in the Context of a Migration Crisis: The Relationship between the Construction and Evolution of EU Narratives and the Definition of Common Policy Responses”

Inês Sousa (FEUC/CES): “Shifting Borders and the Protection of Human Rights: Challenges and Contradictions”

Pedro Camilo (PhD Contemporary Studies, CEIS20): “Crimigration: a new perspective”

CHAIR: Carmen Fonseca, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Studies, NOVA FCSH; Director of the Board, IPRI-NOVA

12:30–14:00 | Lunch Break

ROOM 209

14:00–14:30 | Global Citizenship

Eduardo Figueiredo, Teaching Assistant at the Legal and Political Sciences Department of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra; Associate Researcher at the Human Rights Center of the FDUC; and Collaborating Researcher at the Legal Institute of the FDUC.

CHAIR: Dina Sebastião, Assistant Professor, FLUC; Integrated Researcher, CEIS20 – Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Coimbra

14:30–15:30 | Panel 1 – Borders & Boundaries: Framing Frontiers in the European Union

Nuno Santos, Deputy Superintendent, Public Security Police (PSP); Head of Temporary Facilities Management Division, PSP Integrated Border Management Department

Marco Cruz, Colonel, National Republican Guard (GNR); Commander, Coastal and Border Control Unit

Francisco Pereira Coutinho, Associate Professor, NOVA School of Law; Researcher, CEDIS

CHAIR: Vanda Amaro Dias, Integrated Researcher, CES; and Assistant Professor, FLUC

15:30–16:00 | Coffee Break

16:00–17:00 | Panel 2 – Migration Management and the Human Rights of Migrants: A Possible Reality?

Filipe Doutel, Legal Advisor, Ombudsman’s Office – National Protection Mechanism
Daniela Nascimento, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

CHAIR: Emellin de Oliveira, Executive Coordinator, NOVA Asylum Policy Lab; Researcher, CEDIS – NOVA School of Law

17:00–18:00 | Roundtable – Concerns and reflections on the implementation of the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

Joana Deus, Associação Renovar a Mouraria
Miguel Duarte, HUBB
Victor Hastenreiter, Casa do Brasil de Lisboa
Ana Logrado, Associação Ponte

CHAIR & CLOSING REMARKS: Gabriele de Angelis, General Coordinator, NOVA Asylum Policy Lab / Jean Monnet Module EUAsPO; Researcher, IFILNOVA

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.