EPLab • Reading Group

Ethics and Political Theory Reading Group – 2017/2018

The sessions will take place at the I&D Building and are open to the participation of all IFILNOVA researchers.

Schedule for the 2017/2018 sessions:

27/09/2017 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Erich Rast: “The possibility of parity”, Ruth Chang.

31/10/2017 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Filipe Faria: “Is market liberalism adaptive? Rethinking F. A. Hayek on moral evolution” (Journal of Bioeconomics (2017)19: 307-326).

30/11/2017 | 11h (Room ID 0.06)

Gabriele de Angelis: “The Priority of Democracy to Philosophy”, R. Rorty.

13/12/2017 | 11h (Room ID 0.06)

André Santos Campos: The Force of Law (2015), chapters 4 & 5 (“In Search of the Puzzled Man” e “Do People Obey the Law?”), F. Schauer.

18/01/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Luís Simões: A Treatise of Human Nature, “Introduction”, D. Hume.

22/02/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Luís de Sousa: “Moral Phenomenology: Foundational issues” (Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, 2008, volume 7, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 1-19), Uriah Kriegel.

15/03/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Dina Mendonça: “Moral Emotions” (Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4: 109–126, 2001), Ronald de Sousa.

05/04/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Nuno Venturinha: “Moral Contextualism and Moral Relativism” (The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 232, pp. 385-409, 2008), Berit Brogaard.

19/04/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Jorge Gonçalves: “Moral Realism is Moral Relativism” (Philosophical Studies 172: 4, 2015, pp. 855–863), Gilbert Harman.

10/05/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Javier Prado Salas: “Things That Make Things Reasonable” (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 81, No. 2, 2010, pp. 335-361), John Gibbons.

24/05/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Erich Rast: “Value Disagreement and Two Aspects of Meaning” (Croatian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XVII, No. 51, 2017).

21/06/2018 | 11h (Room ID 1.05)

Giovanni Damele: “Another Italian thought: elite theory and political realism” (work in progress).