Claudio Rozzoni

The publication of Merleau-Ponty’s Recherches sur l’usage littéraire du langage, the preparatory notes for the ‘Cours du Lundi’ at the Collège de France in 1953, provides further evidence of the turning points of the French philosopher’s reflections during this period. The problem of the intersubjectivity of the work of art, in particular, finds a crucial complement in this course. Starting with the work on literary language, this offers a path toward thinking the chiasm between author and reader in an unprecedented way, which avoids falling back into the fruitless opposition between two poles: one represented by a merely subjective point of view, with its solipsistic excesses, and one that tries to take into account the communication between two subjects (author and reader) by thinking them as ‘already given’ unities before the gesture of writing and the experience of reading.
À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs, Cahier violet N.° 12
CultureLab | Questões de Subjectividade: Filosofia e Literatura