ArgLab • Workshop

New Directions in Social Philosophy of Language

Federico Cella, Casey Rebecca Johnson, Anna Klieber, Marcin Lewiński, Martina Rosola, Dan Zeman

This international workshop will bring together early-career and established scholars developing cutting-edge research in social philosophy of language. Attendance is free and open to all.



Room SC & Online

Marcin Lewiński (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
Divisive Speech

Casey Rebecca Johnson (University of Idaho)
“Artificial” Assertions and the Doxastic Landscape


Room SD & Online

Martina Rosola (Universitat de Barcelona)
Which is the fairest of all? A critical evaluation of gender-fair strategies

Federico Cella (Universitat de Barcelona)
“Who’s the surgeon?” Gender stereotypes and gender-fair language in Italian speakers

13:00–14:30 Lunch break

Anna Klieber (Cardiff University)
‘Call Me by My Name!’: Investigating the Harms of Deadnaming

Dan Zeman (Universidade do Porto)
Do the Harms of Non-derogatory Uses of Slurs Mandate Their Ban?

Invited commentator-at-large: Paula Olmos (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


Download the programme + abstracts here.

To join the sessions on Zoom, please get in touch with Giulia Terzian at [email protected] for the details.

In a related event, Casey Rebecca Johnson (University of Idaho) will talk about “Epistemic Care, Epistemic Autonomy, and Non-Domination” as part of the ArgLab Research Colloquium. The session will take place on November 15th at 11 AM (Lisbon time) in room SE1 of Colégio Almada Negreiros and online via Zoom. More information here.

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science under the projects UIDB/00183/2020 and UIDP/00183/2020.