Pedro Inock

Pedro Inock will present a study on the limits of cinematic representation, proposing a hypothesis in which the division between images—the interstice—dissolves at the threshold of light’s velocity. Grounded in film-philosophy and quantum physics, this research maps a space beyond the visible, where emptiness does not interrupt but cancels—or rather annihilates—what remains unsaid, unseen, and untold. This talk begins with an examination of the core apparatuses of cinema and video, exploring how they generate a vacuum that, by undoing meaning in the very act of perception, erases the notion of a highly coveted absolute continuity. From this, a framework emerges for thinking about and analyzing an attempt to surpass the limits of representation by moving beyond the indivisible zero-image. This attempt explores the emergence of an anti-image—not as absence, but as a force that dissolves representation, leaving only the tension of what could have been perceived. Situated between photons, between movement and stillness, this anti-image proposes a new theoretical space where images collapse into themselves.