EPLab • International Conference

Relational Equality and Intergenerational Justice

NOVA University Lisbon
7–8 September 2023

This conference brings together two important developing areas of research in contemporary political philosophy that are yet to intersect in the available literature: relational egalitarianism and intergenerational justice. Relational egalitarianism holds that, as a matter of justice, people ought to stand in egalitarian rather than hierarchical social relations. Intergenerational justice concerns what current generations owe to future and past people. On the face of it, it may appear that relational egalitarianism is unable to address the problems of intergenerational justice, since we do not seem stand in social relations with non-existing generations. This is particularly striking in the case of members of future generations, as they are yet to exist and hence have no relatable identities. This conference, which brings together papers for a special issue of the journal CRISPP, examines this challenge, and in doing so, develops new insights for intergenerational justice and the nature of relational egalitarian commitments.

Andreas Bengtson (Aarhus)
Anja Karnein (SUNY Binghampton)
Caleb Althorpe (Trinity College Dublin)
Devon Cass (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
Dick Timmer (TU Dortmund)
Elizabeth Finneron-Burns (Western)
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus)
Mattias Iser (SUNY Binghampton)
Nicola Mulkeen (Newcastle)
Shuk Ying Chan (University College London)
Tim Meijers (Leiden)

Devon Cass & André Santos Campos (IFILNOVA — Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)

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