Territory and Time: Past, Future, and Claims to Geographic Space

International Conference
30–31 May 2023
FCSH | NOVA University Lisbon
Colégio Almada Negreiros – Room SE1
Margaret Moore / Anna Stilz / Jamie Draper / Axel Gosseries / Chris Armstrong / Cara Nine
André Santos Campos, Devon Cass & Susana Cadilha
Theories of territory tell us how to determine what a just distribution of the Earth’s geographic spaces requires and how to adjudicate between competing claims. These problems have important temporal dimensions. Looking backward, many existing territories were acquired unjustly through wrongful appropriation. Looking forward, many people in the (fairly near) future will be displaced as fewer places remain inhabitable due to climate change. A significant challenge for any theory of territorial justice, then, is to address both these forward and backward-looking concerns. This workshop will examine these issues.
Participation is free and all are welcome. If you wish to receive the Zoom link, please contact André Santos Campos at [email protected].
9h45 Greetings and opening remarks
10h – 11h15 Margaret Moore (Queen’s): “Rectifying Historical Territorial Injustices” (joint work with Michael Luoma)
Discussant: Shuk Ying Chan (University College London) *online*
Chair: Susana Cadilha
11h15 – 11h45 Coffee break
11h45 – 13h Anna Stilz (Princeton): “Climate Displacement and Territorial Justice”
Discussant: Gabriele de Angelis (IFILNOVA | NOVA FCSH)
Chair: Giovanni Damele
13h – 14h30 Lunch
14h30 – 15h45 Jamie Draper (Oxford): Climate Change and Territorial Sovereignty
Discussant: Jonathan Kwan (NYU Abu Dhabi) *online*
Chair: Ramiro de Ávila Peres
16h onward: Drinks at Linha D’Água
19h30 Dinner at Colina
10h – 11h15 Axel Gosseries (UCLouvain): “Territories, Periods and the Political Theory of Intergenerational relations” *online*
Discussant: Charlotte Unruh (Oxford) *online*
Chair: André Santos Campos
11h15 – 11h45 Coffee Break
11h45 – 13h Chris Armstrong (Southampton): “Biodiversity Offsetting: a critical assessment”
Discussant: Pablo Magaña Fernández (IFILNOVA | NOVA FCSH)
Chair: Inês Cisneiros
13h – 14h30 Lunch
14h30 – 15h45 Cara Nine (Nevada) “Foundational Territories: forward and backward looking justifications” *online*
Discussant: Devon Cass (IFILNOVA | NOVA FCSH)
Chair: José Gusmão Rodrigues
16h Closing remarks
This work is funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the projects UIDB/00183/2020 and PTDC/FER-FIL/6088/2020.