Daniel Pacheco holds a BA in Political Science and International Relations (NOVA FCSH, Honours, 2016), an MLitt in International Political Theory (University of St Andrews, Distinction, 2017) and an MA in Philosophy (University of Warwick, Distinction, 2019). His main research interest is in the history of philosophy (particularly post-Kantian philosophy), especially themes in philosophy of mind, metaphysics and philosophy of science. He is a doctoral student in Philosophy at UNL/IFILNOVA, where he is writing a thesis on Nietzsche’s notion of Einverleibung in the context of his psychology and philosophy of mind. His supervisor is Pietro Gori (IFILNOVA) while his co-supervisor is Mattia Riccardi (MLAG/FLUP). He recently published a chapter on Nietzsche in Philosophy and Architecture (Porto: Ordem dos Arquitectos – Norte, ed. Constantino Pereira Martins, 2021) and translated William James’ Some Problems of Philosophy (Coimbra: Edições 70, org. Pietro Gori, February 2023).