Inês Hipólito
research fellow

Inês Hipólito is a lecturer at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) where she conducts research on the epistemic link between neural activity and enactive cognition, i.e. the reciprocal influences between psychological experience and representational structures of sophisticated thinking, reasoning, and inference. Hipólito is also an Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Talent Grant Fellow at the University of Amsterdam, where she conducts independent research artificial intelligence as an emergent property of individuals interacting in complex, smart societies. In less than a year after being awarded her PhD, Inês Hipólito has 20 publications in high ranked journals in philosophy and neuroscience, 5 co-edited published collections. She has received 19 awards, co-organized 10 scientific meetings and presented in over 30 scientific events, 7 of them as a keynote speaker. Inês Hipólito is also the co-founder and vice-president of the International Society of the Philosophy of the Sciences of the Mind and has served as an elected member in the Committee of the Women in Philosophy and the Committee in Diversity and Inclusivity at the Australasian Association of Philosophy.