Tatiana Salem Levy (Lisbon, 1979) is a researcher at FCSH/UNL, member of IFILNOVA, and writer. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Letters with the thesis “A chave de casa: experimentos com a herança familiar e literária” (2007), by the Faculty of Letters at PUC-Rio. She published the books of essays: “A experiência do fora: Blanchot, Foucault e Deleuze” (Civilização Brasileira, 2011) and “O mundo não vai acabar” (José Olympio, 2017) and the novels: “A chave de casa” (Cotovia, 2007), “Dois rios” (Tinta-da-china, 2012), “Paraíso” (Tinta-da-china, 2016) and “Vista Chinesa” (Todavia, 2021). Her books have been published in fourteen countries. She writes fortnightly for the Brazilian newspaper Valor Econômico. She is currently coordinating, in partnership with PUC-Rio, the Ensaio Aberto collection, a publication of books that articulate the relationship between philosophy and literature.