The work Regresso ao Protágoras, de Platão, organized by Olga Pombo and with texts by António Vieira, João Constâncio, Jorge Carreira Maia, José Trindade Santos, Manuel Rodrigues, Oded Balaban and Olga Pombo, has just been published by Mariposa Azual with the support of CFCUL.
The book launch will take place on friday, February 25, at 6 PM, at the bookstore Linha de Sombra (Cinemateca Portuguesa). The event will be hosted by the authors António Vieira, João Constâncio, Jorge Carreira Maia, José Trindade Santos, Manuel Rodrigues and Olga Pombo.
Regresso ao Protágoras, de Platão
Pombo, O. (Org.)
ISBN 978-972-8481-70-4
To order or get more information, click here.