Laboratory for Advanced Research in Film and Philosophy
The events of the Laboratory for Advanced Research in Film and Philosophy include research seminars on film and philosophy as well as preparatory sessions for the visits of the consultants for the project and work meetings with the consultants.
Elizabeth Cowie (School of Arts, University of Kent)
“Experiencing Time: between Fiction and Documentary. Memory, Affect and the Digital“
NECS Conferece: 21 June 2012.
Work meting with Elizabeth Cowie (on the Research Project-closed): 22 June 2012.
Murray Smith (School of Arts, University of Kent), “In and Out of the Character” : 15 November 2011
Jinhee Choi (King`s College London), “An Uncomfortable Marriage of Film and Philosophy“: 16 November 2011 Abstracts
Work meeting with Murray Smith (on the Research Project), 15 November 2011, 03:30 pm.
Work meeting with Jinhee Choi (on the Research Project), 16 November 2011, 02:00 pm.
Noël Carroll, “Philosophical Insight, Emotion, and Popular Fiction: The Case of Sunset Boulevard”: 14 Dec. 2009 Details
Work meeting with Noël Carroll (on the research project): 15 Dec. 2009.
Seminars em volta de David N. Rodowick: 23 Mar. to 11 May 2010 Details
D. N. Rodowick, “The (fading) | (future) memory of film”: 12 May 2010 Details
Work meeting with D. N. Rodowick: 12 and 14 May 2010.
Research seminar with D. N. Rodowick (on his work – closed): 13 May 2010, 10:30am-1pm.
Research seminar with D. N. Rodowick (on his work – open): 13 May 2010, 3:30-5pm.