1 Research grant for Post-Doctoral Fellow
bolsas doutoramento

A call is now open for recruiting a Post-Doc Fellow in the project ‘Present Democracy for Future Generations’ (reference PTDC/FER-FIL/6088/2020), funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES).

Area of Research

Political Philosophy / Political Science

Admission Requirements

PhD degree in Philosophy, Political Theory, or Political Science

To be considered, a candidate must have at least one article published in a peer-reviewed, indexed journal in a relevant area. Strong and demonstrable expertise in the areas investigated in the project (intergenerational justice, long term governance, futures studies, democratic theory) will be an extra asset. Fluent English is strictly necessary.

The grant holder will tackle issues of intergenerational justice in democratic environments or analyse key concepts of modern democratic theory, mostly by testing whether their time horizons can expand in order to encompass the distant future. Work towards at least one publication on the topic, possibly co-authored with other members of the project team, is expected. S/he is also expected to help in the organization of talks, conferences and seminars, participate in the project meetings and in related events organized by IFILNOVA’s Laboratory of Ethics and Political Philosophy, which hosts the project.

Please check further information in the announcement page


Application deadline

The call is open between 10 March 2022 and 17:00 (Lisbon time) on 25 March 2022.