International Conference on
Epistemic Injustice and Public Arguments
18–19 September 2024
March 15, 2024
Argumentation, Cognition and Language Lab, NOVA Institute of Philosophy, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal
Miranda Fricker (New York University, USA)
José Medina (Northwestern University, USA)
Dima Mohammed, Maria Grazia Rossi, Federico Cella and Guido Tana
(ArgLab, IFILNOVA, NOVA University Lisbon)
Epistemic Injustice has been explored over the past 15 years, in the two distinctive forms labeled by Miranda Fricker (2007) as testimonial injustice and hermeneutical injustice, as well as in specific contexts such as in politics, health, education, law, etc. Scholars have described the specific harms caused by its systemic and structural manifestations in our contemporary societies and the potential strategies to resist the discrimination and oppression caused or reinforced by epistemic injustice. So much so that the epistemology of resistance (Medina 2012) is emerging as a fascinating new line of research.
With this conference, we are particularly interested in exploring the workings of epistemic injustice and the corresponding resistance strategies in public arguments from different contexts, considering power dynamics in relation to institutions, communication systems, and groups and individuals. We aim to explore how public arguments may be strategically constructed to foster or consolidate different forms of epistemic injustice or, on the contrary, to curb and resist this phenomenon.
We invite submissions exploring epistemic injustice and resistance in public arguments from any discipline (such as philosophy, argumentation, epistemology, communication, education, social sciences, etc.), taking into account various conceptual and discourse analysis methods (including argumentative analysis, linguistic analysis, cognitive analysis) and different contexts (politics, health, education, the law, etc.).
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Conceptual reflections and theoretical frameworks on epistemic injustice and epistemic resistance in public arguments
- Institutional dimensions of epistemic injustice and resistance
- Argumentative injustice and argumentative resistance in the public discourse
- Argumentative resistance in structural and systemic epistemic injustice
- Analysis of epistemic injustice and resistance in the context of public health controversies
- Epistemic injustice and resistance in the context of public involvement and political engagement
- Epistemic injustice and resistance in criminal and law procedures
- Epistemic injustice and resistance in education
- Epistemic injustice and resistance in media discourse and media representation
- Epistemic injustice and resistance targeting specific groups and minorities (racial injustice, gender injustice, etc.)
Abstracts (250-400 words, title and reference excluded, ready for blind reviewing), should be sent to <epistemicinjustice[at]fcsh[dot]unl[dot]pt> by Friday, March 15, 2024. In the body of the email, please include the author’s name, affiliation and the title of the paper.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 15, 2024.
For any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at epistemicinjustice[at]fcsh[dot]unl[dot]pt.