1st International Conference on Philosophy of Physics and Cosmology

Due to the relevance and the growing number of lines of research in the areas of Philosophy of Physics and Cosmology, the Physikós Study Group, in partnership with Higher Education Institutions, has conceived the I International Conference of Philosophy of Physics and Cosmology, whose main intention is to break the isolation of research, to promote a greater scientific-philosophical exchange and to foster continuous and systematic discussions among researchers, from a space that allows the results of the works to be shared and appreciated by the student and faculty community of the participating institutions.
Under the aegis of a diversified organizing committee and whose institutional ties extend along the Luso-Brazilian axis, the event will take place between September 26 and 29, 2023, in a hybrid format, and having as its target audience undergraduate and graduate students of Physics, Cosmology, Philosophy and related fields.
Organizing Committee
Antonio A. P. Videira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ)
Eduardo Simões (Universidade Federal do Tocantins – UFT)
João Luís Cordovil (Universidade de Lisboa – UL)
Luís Carlos Bassalo Crispino (Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA)
Marcia Begalli (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ)
Maria Cristina Motta (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ)
Pietro Gori (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – UNL)
Vinícius Carvalho da Silva (Universidade Federal do Matogrosso do Sul – UFMS)
Wellington P. de Queirós (Universidade Federal do Matogrosso do Sul – UFMS)
David Monteiro de Sousa Jr. (Universidade Federal do Matogrosso do Sul – UFMS)
Filipe Pamplona (Universidade de Lisboa – UL)
Rafael Velloso Luz (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ)
Wigson Rafael S. Costa (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – UNL)
Antonio Videira (UERJ) e Bruno Dias (UERJ)
Cláudia Lage (UFRJ)
Cristiane Azevedo (UFRRJ)
Décio Krause (UFSC) e Diana Taschetto (USP)
Filipe Pamplona (UL)
Gracy Moreira e Justino Rezende (UFAM)
Hugh Lacey (Swarthmore College)
Julio Fabris (UFES)
Nick Huggett (University of Illinois)
Osvaldo Pessoa Jr. (USP)
Pietro Gori (UNL) e José R. Croca (UL)
Roger Penrose (University of Oxford – Nobel Prize 2020)
Vinícius Carvalho (UFMS)
Wellington Queirós e Erickson Santos (UFMS)
Available in Portuguese.
Physikos: Grupo de estudos em Filosofia da Física e da Cosmologia, em parceria com IFILNOVA, UFMS, UFT, UERJ, UFRJ, UFES, UFPA e CFCUL.