Francisco Yus on “Layers of predicted inferences in humorous communication”

The main objective of this lecture is to propose a layer-based chart of predicted inferences in humorous communication. A number of theoretical assumptions underlie this chart: (a) there is a more or less substantial informational gap between what the speaker codes in a discourse (i.e. says, writes, types…) and the interpretation that is intended with that discourse (and inferred from it); (b) humour does not lie in the discourse itself, but in the way that discourse is inferred and contextualised; (c) there is a rooted tendency in human cognition towards searching for relevant interpretations and proper contextualisation in the most effort-relieving way; (d) relevance-oriented inferential strategies are systematic (and unavoidable) in pairing discourse content and context; and (e) the speaker holds more or less precise expectations of how the hearer is bound to infer and contextualise the discourse uttered. The chart will start with predictions at word-phrase layers and will gradually amplify the scope towards broader humour-oriented inferential strategies (e.g. inferences and contextualisation of communal-collective assumptions beyond discourse comprehension).
Francisco Yus (University of Alicante)
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This event is part of the ArgLab Research Colloquium organised by Maria Grazia Rossi, Andrés Soria Ruiz and Nuno Venturinha at the Laboratory of Reasoning and Argumentation of the Nova Institute of Philosophy. For any inquiries, please contact Maria Grazia, Andrés, or Nuno.