CultureLab • Lecture

Border figures. Nietzsche’s perspectives on early Greek philosophy

Enrico Müller (University of Leipzig)

Enrico Müller (University of Leipzig) will give a lecture on the Nietzschean reading of the first Greek philosophers. The event will take place on January 11, 2023 at Colégio Almada Negreiros (room A102) from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. This event will take place within the scope of the activities of the Research Group on Ancient Philosophy and the Lisbon Nietzsche Group. All are welcome!

The lecture will be broadcast via Zoom. Whoever is interested in attending the lecture online please contact Paulo Lima ([email protected]) until January 10 (no registrations will be accepted after 12:00).

Org. Paulo Lima (CultureLab/IFILNOVA).