Research Group on Ancient Philosophy

The Research Group on Ancient Philosophy (abbrev. GPFA) was recently created (2022). The formation of the GPFA consolidates a joint research work that, in recent years, has been developed by its members within the framework of IFILNOVA. The purpose of the GPFA is to study the questioning of values ​​(such as the good, the beautiful and the true) in ancient philosophical thought and the way in which the reflection on values ​​throughout the history of the West was carried out through a constant reading of ancient texts. Our study of ancient philosophical thought is not only based on the interpretation of ancient texts of a strictly philosophical nature, but also seeks to extend to all ancient texts (literary, historical, scientific, religious, and so forth) which, as such, possess a philosophical dimension, which challenge philosophical texts or with which the latter enter, explicitly or inexplicitly, into discussion. Similarly, our research on the modern reception of ancient philosophical thought is not restricted to the reading of the latter carried out in modern texts of a strictly philosophical nature, but also proposes to include the interpretation of ancient philosophical thought carried out in modern texts that – in the great diversity of its genres – manifest a philosophical character. This broad understanding of “ancient philosophy” and “philosophy” allows us to explore the intrinsic value of ancient philosophical thought, as well as the ability that it arguably continues to have in determining the historical course of Western thought.

CultureLab • books
L’Être et la valeur
L’Être et la valeur
Marion Pollaert
(Coll. Questions et raisons). Paris: Vrin (forthcoming).
CultureLab • books
Formas de Conversão: Filosofia, Política, Espiritualidade
Formas de Conversão: Filosofia, Política, Espiritualidade
António de Castro Caeiro & Gianfranco Ferraro (Eds.)
Lisbon: Abysmo (forthcoming).
CultureLab • books
Fragmentos Científicos de Aristóteles – dos livros perdidos
Fragmentos Científicos de Aristóteles – dos livros perdidos
António de Castro Caeiro (Ed.)
Lisbon: Abysmo.
book chapters
CultureLab • book chapters
Quel rôle joue la vérité dans le mythe du Protagoras de Platon?
Quel rôle joue la vérité dans le mythe du Protagoras de Platon?
Paulo Lima
A. Tordesillas & M. Corradi (Eds.), La vérité: Platon et les Sophistes. Paris: Vrin (forthcoming).
CultureLab • book chapters
On the Role of Reason in Ancient Philosophical Practice: An Intellectualist Reframing of Hadot’s and Foucault’s Approach
On the Role of Reason in Ancient Philosophical Practice: An Intellectualist Reframing of Hadot’s and Foucault’s Approach
Hélder Telo
M. Faustino & H. Telo (Eds.), Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy: Critical Assessments (pp. 205-229). Leiden: Brill.
CultureLab • book chapters
From Speech to Pure Visibility: A Problem in Foucault’s Conception of Socratic Parrhesia
From Speech to Pure Visibility: A Problem in Foucault’s Conception of Socratic Parrhesia
Paulo Lima
M. Faustino & H. Telo (Eds.), Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy: Critical Assessments (pp. 241-262). Leiden: Brill.
CultureLab • book chapters
Foucault, Reader of Plato: The Problem of ἐπιμéλεια τοῦ βíου
Foucault, Reader of Plato: The Problem of ἐπιμéλεια τοῦ βíου
Fábio Serranito
M. Faustino & H. Telo (Eds.), Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy: Critical Assessments (pp. 317-337). Leiden: Brill.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
The Human and the Divine in the First Stasimon of Sophocles’ Antigone
The Human and the Divine in the First Stasimon of Sophocles’ Antigone
Paulo Lima
Scholê: Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition, 29 (forthcoming).
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Converting Philology to Philosophy: A Platonic Model and Its Inversion in Homer and Classical Philology
Converting Philology to Philosophy: A Platonic Model and Its Inversion in Homer and Classical Philology
Paulo Lima
Estudios Nietzsche, 24 (forthcoming).
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Histoire pensante de la pensée. Henri Maldiney et la philosophie ancienne
Histoire pensante de la pensée. Henri Maldiney et la philosophie ancienne
Marion Pollaert
Revue de philosophie ancienne (forthcoming).
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Rancière reading Plato: Myth against Sociology
Rancière reading Plato: Myth against Sociology
Marion Pollaert
Philosophy and Social Criticism (forthcoming).
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Essence et manifestation: regards croisés entre philosophie ancienne et phénoménologie
Essence et manifestation: regards croisés entre philosophie ancienne et phénoménologie
Marion Pollaert
Cahiers philosophiques de Caen (forthcoming).
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Divisions des sciences et puissance normative de la division platonicienne
Divisions des sciences et puissance normative de la division platonicienne
Marion Pollaert
Philonsorbonne (forthcoming).
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Platon contre Bourdieu ? Discours savant et altérité sociale chez J. Rancière
Platon contre Bourdieu ? Discours savant et altérité sociale chez J. Rancière
Marion Pollaert
Philosophique (forthcoming).
CultureLab • others
M. Lane: Of Rule and Office. Plato’s Ideas of the Political (review)
M. Lane: Of Rule and Office. Plato’s Ideas of the Political (review)
Marion Pollaert
Sehepunkte (forthcoming).
CultureLab • others
S. Broadie: Plato’s Sun-Like Good: Dialectic in the Republic
S. Broadie: Plato’s Sun-Like Good: Dialectic in the Republic
Marion Pollaert
Philosophie antique (forthcoming).
CultureLab • others
J. Sellars: O que é a filosofia como modo de vida? [What is Philosophy as a Way of Life]
J. Sellars: O que é a filosofia como modo de vida? [What is Philosophy as a Way of Life]
Hélder Telo (Transl.)
F. Testa & M. Faustino (Eds.), Filosofia como Modo de Vida: Ensaios Escolhidos (pp. 65-88). Lisbon: Edições 70.
CultureLab • others
J. Cooper: Filosofias Antigas Como Modos de Vida: O Caso de Sócrates [Socrates]
J. Cooper: Filosofias Antigas Como Modos de Vida: O Caso de Sócrates [Socrates]
Hélder Telo (Transl.)
F. Testa & M. Faustino (Eds.), Filosofia como Modo de Vida: Ensaios Escolhidos (pp. 201-230). Lisbon: Edições 70.