Christoph Schuringa
On the 13th of May, at 15:30, Christoph Schuringa will give a lecture entitled “Marx’s Critique of Hegel” within the scope of the Doctorate in Philosophy. All welcome.
Christoph Schuringa
Christoph Schuringa is a philosopher living and working in London. His chief interests are in the history of philosophy (especially Kant, Hegel, and Marx), in the traditions of Marxism and critical theory, and in social and political thought more widely. Specific current research projects concern Marx’s critique of Hegel, the concept of Gattungswesen, and ‘tragic’ conceptions of philosophy. His large-scale current project is a monograph he’s writing on Marx.
Schuringa is an Assistant Professor in Philosophy at the New College of the Humanities (part of Northeastern University), and Editor of the Hegel Bulletin.