CineLabEPLab • International Conference

Cinema, Philosophy and… Children’s World

The International Conference on Cinema, Philosophy and… explores the connection of Philosophy of Cinema, as well as Cinema as Philosophy and Cinema and Philosophy. Though these approaches are quite different one can hold them as complementary intellectual efforts.

The 1st proposed Conference takes that connection on a new direction by looking into the way in which we grow up with cinema. The expression growing up with cinema holds an ambiguity: growing up with cinema means that we grow up from childhood to adolescence, then adulthood and finally to the elderly stages of life accompanied by cinema. In addition, it also means that by seeing movies we learn and change our way of seeing the world and life, acquiring maturity in the process.

This ambiguity makes cinema a privileged ground to think of different types of development, and not only interpret it as a pedagogical tool for thinking but also as a crucial tool of growth. Thus, it is reasonable to see how films are mediums that pass down knowledge to younger generations while at the same time formatting their epistemological stance. Likewise, movies illustrate and recommend sets of values while valuing.

The 1st International Conference on Cinema, Philosophy and Children’s World is co-organized by Ifilnova | CineLab – Laboratory of Cinema & Philosophy and EPLab – Ethics and Political Philosophy Laboratory NOVA-FCSH, in a partnership with ICNOVA – NOVA Institute of Communication NOVA-FCSH and CEIS20 – Centre of 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies UC/FLU. The Conference will be held at NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, July 9 – July 10, 2019.