EPLab • Reading Group

Function, Fitness, Flourishing

Paul Bloomfield

The Sciences of Ethics and Political Philosophy Reading Group will get together on December 11 at 2 PM [WEST] to discuss a paper by Paul Bloomfield (2023), Function, Fitness, Flourishing (pp. 264-292), in Paul Bloomfield & David Copp (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Moral Realism, New York: Oxford University Press. Session with the confirmed presence of the author.

Anyone interested in participating can send an email to Filipe Faria: filipefaria@fcsh.unl.pt.

The Sciences of Ethics and Political Philosophy Reading Group is an international monthly-assembling online reading group co-hosted by the CFCUL and the Ethics and Political Philosophy Lab (EPLab) of the IFILNOVA. More information about the group here.