EPLab • Reading Group
João Gouveia on Stephen Palmquist
Does Kant Reduce Religion to Morality?

The session will be hosted by João Gouveia, who will talk about the text ‘Does Kant Reduce Religion to Morality?’ by Stephen Palmquist (in Kant-Studien, 83(2), 1992, pp. 129-148).
Jo join the session, use this link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/81685635671.
If you want to host one of the sessions, to be included on the group’s mailing list or to receive the text that will be discussed, please write to [email protected]. The session will be in Portuguese but questions can be made in English. All sessions will be recorded and will be available on IFILNOVA’s YouTube channel.
The Kant Reading Group sessions will take place via zoom, on the last Friday of each month, from 11am to 12:30pm.
Next session
17.12: Nuno Carvalho – Thierry de Duve, “Kant after Duchamp” (in Kant after Duchamp, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 283-325)
Kant Reading Group
11:00 – 12:30
Research Groups