ArgLab • International Conference

Large Language Models, Artificial Others and Cognitive Flourishing

Large language Models (LLMs) and other forms of generative AI have quickly become an everyday feature of human life and are likely to have profound consequences for human cognition. This workshop examines how we might live with, and incorporate them into our imaginative lives, especially when we deal with them in intimate interpersonal settings and as though they were persons.We especially look at how our sense of what other minds are may be undergoing a transformation in the process and we examine the opportunities and challenges for human flourishing against this new backdrop.


Keith Frankish (University of Sheffield / University of Crete)
Maria Kasmirli (School of European Education Heraklion, Crete / Visiting researcher in Yale University, USA)
Paul Smart (University of Southampton)
Vítor Duarte dos Santos (NOVA Information Management School, Lisbon)
Rita Lobo (IFILNOVA, Lisbon)
Robert W. Clowes (IFILNOVA, Lisbon)

To join the session via Zoom, use this link.

Org. Robert W. Clowes, Klaus Gaertner, Vítor Duarte dos Santos

Event supported by NOVA FCSH within the scope of the ArgLab exploratory research project “(GENAI) Ensuring Human Cognitive Flourishing against the background of GENerative AI: sustaining deep minds within our new cognitive ecology”.