CultureLabOutlab • Book launch

O que é a Filosofia?

António de Castro Caeiro

Philosophy is a possibility. And here begins an old problem. Isn’t possibility less than reality? Isn’t the possible just an illusion? But isn’t the dream, the illusion, as Valéry said, what distinguishes us from animals? The whole question is begging for an answer. Asking the question “what is philosophy?” is already, in some way, taking the path towards a possible answer.

The book “O que é a Filosofia?” by António de Castro Caeiro, published by Tinta-da-China, will be presented by Delfim Sardo and Ricardo Araújo Pereira on September 21st, at 7 PM, at Centro Cultural de Belém. The presentation will be in Portuguese.

All are welcome.

O que é a Filosofia?
Caeiro, A. C.
ISBN 9789896717704

Order here.