CineLab • Reading Group
Reading group on Žižek’s Lacrimae Rerum

Slavoj Žižek’s essays on Kieślowski, Hitchcock, Tarkovsky, and Lynch, among other filmmakers, are the perfect way to begin with Žižek‘s approach to psychoanalysis, ideology, and cinema. This reading roundtable invites all researchers, professors, students, artists, and psychoanalysts interested in the ‘littoral’ space between psychoanalysis and cinema.
What can we, in our five sessions, elaborate on this strand of land by the sea when reading Lacrimae Rerum together and talking about it?
The first session will take place exclusively online on June 1, 2023, (5–6 PM, WEST). Languages: Portuguese, English, and French. To join the session on Zoom, use this link (password: 923160).
Org. Lucas Ferraço Nassif & Susana Viegas
17:00 – 18:00