Rethinking the City: Reconfiguration and Fragmentation

Presentation of the book Rethinking the City: Reconfiguration and Fragmentation, by Viriato Soromenho-Marques (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa) and José Miguel Rodrigues (Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade do Porto), with the presence of the editors and IFILNOVA researchers Maria Filomena Molder, Nélio Conceição and Nuno Fonseca. The presentation will be conducted in Portuguese.
Interdisciplinary in approach, this book employs the key concepts of fragmentation and reconfiguration to consider the ways in which human experience and artistic practice can engage with and respond to the disintegration that characterises modern cities. Asking how we might unsettle and decrypt the homogeneous images of cities created by processes linked to capitalism and globalisation, it invites us to consider the possibility of reimagining and rethinking the urban spaces we inhabit. An exploration of the complex relationship between aesthetics, the arts and the city, Rethinking the City: Reconfiguration and Fragmentation will appeal to scholars across various disciplines, including philosophy, urban sociology and geography, anthropology, political theory and visual and media studies.
The volume is one of the outcomes of the FCT project “Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: Experiencing the City between Art and Philosophy” (PTDC/FER-FIL/32042/2017) coordinated by Maria Filomena Molder and carried out between 2018 and 2022.
Maria Filomena Molder, Nélio Conceição & Nuno Fonseca (Eds.), Rethinking the City: Reconfiguration and Fragmentation, Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2024. ISBN 9781032590974.
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