CultureLab • Public lecture

S.O.S. Aquela Noite

Based on Almada Negreiros

Open Lecture
Readings of excerpts from S.O.S. Aquela Noite followed by discussion [in Portuguese]

S.O.S. Aquela Noite is a composition of various texts by Almada Negreiros about and on theater, which intersect with one another to create a surprising result. The play, recently presented at Teatro do Bairro, was created with the collaboration and support of CEDANSA – Centro de Estudos e Documentação Almada Negreiros-Sarah Affonso (School of Social Sciences and Humanities – NOVA FCSH, IHA – Institute of Art History, IELT – Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition) and IFILNOVA – NOVA Institute of Philosophy.

Texts: Almada Negreiros
Cast: Carolina Ferraz, Dinis Gomes, Duarte Guimarães, Rita Durão, Rita Loureiro, and Sofia Marques
Production: SUL – Associação Cultural e Artística
Photography: Bruno Simão

The Open Lecture will take place as part of the seminars Modernism and Modernisms in 20th Century Art in Portugal / Aesthetics and Artistic Studies.

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science under the projects UIDB/00183/2020 and UIDP/00183/2020.