CultureLab • Workshop
The Phantasy-Subject: Phenomenology of Image and Aesthetic Experience

IFILNOVA | CultureLab
Questions of Subjectivity: Philosophy and Literature + Art, Critique and Aesthetic Experience
Organized by: Claudio Rozzoni & Luís de Sousa
I&D Building, Room Multiusos 2
15:00 – 16:00
Eduard Marbach (University of Bern)
"'Where am I - actually, virtually - in phantasy and image consciousness?' Some thoughts from a phenomenological perspective"
16:00 – 16:45
Marco Cavallaro (University of Cologne)
"The pleasures of the imagination. On the phenomenology of fictional emotions"
Coffee Break
17:15 – 18:00
Ana Falcato (IFILNOVA/New University of Lisbon)
"Image and anti-image in the novels of J.M. Coetzee: challenges to a sartrean approach"
18:00 – 18:45
Luís Aguiar de Sousa (IFILNOVA/New University of Lisbon)
"Is phantasy a kind of reflection?"
I&D Building, Room 0.06
09:30 – 10:30
Pedro Alves (Centre of Philosophy/University of Lisbon)
"On the modes of being a subject of non-thetic experience"
10:30 – 11:15
Andrea Scanziani (University of Milan)
"The regard to the phantasy subject: a phenomenological approach"
Coffee Break
11:45 – 12:30
Ricardo Mendoza-Canales (Centre of Philosophy/University of Lisbon)
"What a wonderful world? Phantasy and fictional world: A phenomenological account"
12:30 – 13:15
Claudio Rozzoni (IFILNOVA/New University of Lisbon)
"Phenomenology of aesthetic experience: value and expression"
09/05/2018 – 10/05/2018
Research Groups
NOVA FCSH, I&D Building, Room Multiusos 2 / Room 0.06