Virtual Kant Congress with a Cosmopolitan Purpose

The Lisbon Kant Group will participate in the Virtual Kant Congress with a Cosmopolitan Purpose (VKC), a decentralized series of virtual sessions curated by Kant societies and groups from around the globe to commemorate Kant’s 300th birthday. The series seeks to honor Kant’s ideal of cosmopolitan dialogue by connecting Kant researchers worldwide.
The session curated by the Lisbon Kant Group will take place on July 8 at 3 PM (Lisbon time) and will be led by David Baumeister (University of Stuttgart) who will talk about “Lisbon 1755: Dawn of the Kanthropocene”.
Sessions will take place online (on Zoom) roughly every two weeks throughout 2024, starting in March. Please register here to receive the Zoom link. Sessions will be recorded and archived on both the VKC YouTube channel and on the Recorded Sessions page.
More information on VKC here.