The winning Research Unit of the Santander Prize for Internationalization of Scientific Production at NOVA FCSH 2020 was IFILNOVA, with 47 publications indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science, 3 international projects and 103 researchers. Chrysi Rapanta was one of the awarded researchers, taking 1st place ex-aequo in the “Prize for researchers” category. André Santos Campos took second place, as did Océane Boudeau (CESEM) and Raquel Varela (IHC). Fabrizio Macagno took third place in the Prize for Teachers, preceded by Professor Ana Paula Gil (CICS.NOVA), who took second place, and the winner, Professor Marco Lisi (IPRI).
Unlike in previous years, exceptionally and due to the pandemic context, NOVA FCSH decided to allocate funding from the bank sponsoring the Prize to compensate for the economic difficulties of some students, so the prizes did not have a pecuniary value.