The Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA) at the NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) welcomes candidates who are qualified and interested in applying for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, and express an interest in having IFILNOVA as their host institution, and are interested in developing their studies within the scope of IFILNOVA’s strategic plan.
IFILNOVA’s main purpose is to develop research programs focused upon human action and value construction at the ethical, political and aesthetic levels. In order to achieve these goals, IFILNOVA develops research programs on the theme of values, normativity of rules and argumentation aimed at the study, development and investigation of philosophical theories and their application to social practices and problems. These goals are pursued by four Laboratories with distinct methods and perspectives. ArgLab considers the problem of Value from a formal perspective: it investigates the conditions of possibility for value construction and normativity via the structures of reasons and arguments; CultureLab considers the problem of Value from a material and historical perspective; EPLab inquires into the role that values play in a variety of contemporary individual and collective experiences, by developing ideas from the history of philosophy with an analytical perspective; CineLab is dedicated to philosophical thinking through the moving image, and it develops part of its research in a current, societal involvement with film.
To apply, please send us the following documents and information
- Title and short summary of the work plan, explaining the objectives of the proposal and how they will be achieved (written in English or Portuguese, max. 1000 words);
- A detailed Curriculum vitae;
- One copy of a relevant publication.
If you are interested in having IFILNOVA host your application, please submit your expression of interest to IFILNOVA mentioning the laboratory in which you would like to develop your research project. The deadline for receiving expressions of interest is 25th of June 2021.
Please submit your application material to Catarina Barros via the email: [email protected].
For further information, please contact
Catarina Barros
Nova Institute of Philosophy
NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Email: [email protected]