The team of IFILNOVA researchers led by Marcin Lewiński (ArgLab-IFILNOVA) and including Gabriele de Angelis (EpLab-IFILNOVA) and Giulia Terzian (ArgLab-IFILNOVA), as well as computational linguist Raquel Amaro (CLUNL: Linguistics Research Centre of the NOVA University Lisbon), is launching a new project entitled Multilingual and Multicultural Spaces for Political Deliberation. Won in the highly competitive Horizon Europe call “Past, present and future of democracies”, the project starts in December 2024 and will run for 3 years. NOVA’s Team is part of the 9-partner consortium coordinated by Weblyzard Technology in Vienna, Austria and composed by university research institutes, civil society organisations, and technology partners from across Europe. The goal of the consortium is to identify various forms of communicative injustice that hamper open political deliberation – be them linguistic or argumentative – and propose theory-informed, technology-driven solutions to them, with a particular focus on excluded linguistic and cultural minorities.
In the coming weeks, the project will open 4 positions for researchers to be integrated in NOVA’s team: 1 contracted researcher, 1 post-doc, and 2 PhD grants. Each of these positions is funded for 30 months and will start in early 2025 (February-April).
Duration: 1 December 2024 – 30 November 2027
Total funding: € 2 998 251.25
NOVA FCSH funding: € 414 375.00
NOVA FCSH team: Marcin Lewiński (IFILNOVA, PI), Gabriele de Angelis (IFILNOVA), Raquel Amaro (CLUNL), Giulia Terzian (IFILNOVA)
+ contracted researcher (investigador auxiliar contratado), post-doc fellow, 2 PhD fellows
For a more detailed description, please see the webpage of the project.