André Santos Campos
Appointed Research Fellow

André Santos Campos (PhD University of Lisbon, 2009) works as a research fellow and invited assistant professor at the Nova University of Lisbon. His current research concentrates on issues that connect contemporary Political Theory with Jurisprudence and Intellectual History, such as sovereignty, representation, human rights and intergenerational justice. His publications have appeared in a wide range of highly-ranked journals and publishing houses. He has been awarded prizes for the best philosophical essay awarded by the Portuguese Society of Philosophy (2013) and the CIJVS (2019). In 2019, he was the recipient of the Brian Barry Prize in Political Science, attributed by the British Academy. Since 2018, he co-edits the second edition of the online Dicionário de Filosofia Moral e Política.

EPLab • books
Samuel Pufendorf: Do Dever do Homem e do Cidadão segundo a Lei Natural
Samuel Pufendorf: Do Dever do Homem e do Cidadão segundo a Lei Natural
André Santos Campos (Transl., intro and notes)
(Coll. Textos Clássicos). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
book chapters
EPLab • book chapters
Sovereignty and Legitimate Authority: What Lies beneath Content-Independence
Sovereignty and Legitimate Authority: What Lies beneath Content-Independence
André Santos Campos
A. Santos Campos, & S. Cadilha (Eds.), Sovereignty as Value (Values and Identities: Crossing Philosophical Borders series, pp. 73-90). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals