António Marques works mainly on Kant (PhD, Organismo e Sistema em Kant, Lisbon, 1987), practical philosophy and the Critique of Judgment. Among other publications in Kant studies: “The Critical Value of Reflection in Kant “, in Terror, peace, and universalism: essays on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, ed. Bindu Piru, Heiko Sievers, Oxford UP; “Unity and Diversity of the Transcendental Reflection in Kant”, Kant Kongress, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. He has also published largely on Nietzsche and Wittgenstein (“Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Psychology on Intention”, in Intentionality and Action, W. de Gruyter, is the most recent article on Wittgenstein). His last book, A Filosofia e o Mal (Lisbon: 2015), relates the philosophical views of Kant and Hannah Arendt on evil and radical evil. His current research focuses primarily on the normativity of ethics and rule-following.