Marcin Lewiński
Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at NOVA FCSH

Marcin Lewiński (PhD, University of Amsterdam, 2010) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication, at NOVA FCSH, Portugal. Marcin investigates theoretical and pragmatic issues in argumentation theory (practical reasoning, fallacies, conditions for rational discussions, disagreements) and argumentative discourse in various contexts of public debate. His work focuses on argumentative polylogues—discussions where multiple competing positions are debated by a number of parties, esp. in the context of environmental debates. He published on these topics in journals such as Argumentation, Argumentation & Advocacy, Argumentation in Context, Discourse Studies, Informal Logic, Journal of Pragmatics and Science Communication. Marcin is a member of the Editorial Board of two leading peer-reviewed journals in the field: Argumentation (Springer, NL) and Argumentation & Advocacy (Routledge, USA); and a member of the Steering Committee of the European Conference on Argumentation.

Research Projects
book chapters
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Articles in conference proceedings