Research Projects
Ecological reasoning and decision making in innovation-oriented industry sectors at the periphery of Europe: Reconciling divergent values and interests

Long-term policy problems such as climate change and sustainable development are characterised not only by their controversial social consequences and relation to “the common good”, but also and especially by the epistemic and practical uncertainties involved in their formulation. These uncertainties pave the way for institutional and cultural assumptions and values to play a significant role in decision-making processes. This project aims to account for the role values play in debates and decisions of major industry actors concerning transition to a low-carbon economy. By comparing and refining the contemporary instruments of analysis to examine the ethical issues underlying the technological management of the climate system, we pursue a systematic assessment of the cultural, political and practical aspects of the patterns of reasoning employed by the major actors of the mentioned transition. The practical implication consists of a series of viable proposals that could enhance communication and collaboration across disciplinary, cultural and sectoral boundaries.