CultureLab • Colloquium

Ensaio aberto: literatura e filosofia

Pedro Süssekind, João Pedro Cachopo, Clara Rowland e Maria Filomena Molder

On November 20th, the launch of the new books from the Ensaio Aberto collection will take place at NOVA FCSH, with the presence of Pedro Süssekind (Fluminense Federal University), author of “O mar, o rio e a tempestade: sobre Homero, Rosa e Shakespeare”, and João Pedro Cachopo (CESEM, NOVA), author of “O escândalo da distância: uma leitura d’A Montanha Mágica para o século XXI”.

4:00 PM Presentation of the collection by Pedro Duarte and Tatiana Salem Levy
4:30 PM Pedro Süssekind in conversation with Clara Rowland
5:30 PM João Pedro Cachopo in conversation with Maria Filomena Molder

Ensaio Aberto Collection

In Western tradition, there was a certain assumption of separation between Philosophy and Literature, resulting in a historical understanding that divided, on one hand, the mind, reflection, or reason, and on the other hand, the body, creation, or emotion. Thus, the possibility of a knowledge that, instead of separating, brought Philosophy and Literature closer together was lost. One might ask: don’t writers philosophize, and don’t philosophers write? The essays in this collection emerged from the desire to explore how, despite the well-known metaphysical critique that Philosophy directed towards Literature, they never ceased to draw closer.

The “Ensaio Aberto” collection is coordinated by Pedro Duarte (PUC-Rio) and Tatiana Salem Levy (IFILNOVA) and is the result of a partnership between NOVA FCSH and PUC-Rio.