CultureLab • Talk

Filosofia e Literatura: de Platão a Thomas Mann

João Constâncio, João Pedro Cachopo and Pedro Duarte

João Constâncio and João Pedro Cachopo, from NOVA University Lisbon, will meet for a debate with Pedro Duarte, from PUC-Rio, about the relationship between philosophical thought and literary creation, both in antiquity and in modern times.

The debate anticipates the release of the books “Três discursos sobre erōs: observações sobre o Fedro, de Platão” by João Constâncio, and “O escândalo da distância: para uma leitura d’A Montanha Mágica no século XXI” by João Pedro Cachopo, which will be published in the “Ensaio Aberto” Collection, organized by Pedro Duarte and Tatiana Salem Levy.

The debate will be conducted in Portuguese. More information in Portuguese.

The event is the result of a partnership between PUC-Rio and NOVA University Lisbon, supported by the Capes-Print Programme, from which the “Ensaio Aberto” Collection originated. The collection is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) and published in both Brazil and Portugal by Tinta-da-China.

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science under the projects UIDB/00183/2020 and UIDP/00183/2020.