EPLab • Masterclass
Human Responsibility in the Age of Autonomous Technology
Filippo Santoni de Sio (Delft University of Technology)

It is with great pleasure that IFILNOVA/EPLAB will receive Professor Filippo Santoni de Sio for a conference on ‘Human Responsibility in the Age of Autonomous Technology’.
Santoni de Sio is currently Assistant professor in Ethics of Technology at the Section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology and a member of Delft Robotics Institute. He is also a member of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics and the co-director of the NWO-funded interdisciplinary project Meaningful Human Control over Automated Driving Systems (2017-2020). He speacializes in the theory of moral and legal responsibility, and in robot ethics.
EPLab Masterclass Series
NOVA FCSH, I&D Building, Room Multiusos 3