ArgLab • International Workshop

IFILNOVA & Macquarie Workshop on Flourishing Minds


Richard Menary (Maquarie University) & Gloria Andrada (IFILNOVA)
Jesús Navarro (U. Seville) & Daniel Barbarrusa (U. Seville)
Maile Costa Colbert (IFILNOVA)
Marco Fasoli (Sapienza Roma)
Robert W. Clowes (IFILNOVA)


10:00 – 11:15 Richard Menary (Macquarie) & Gloria Andrada (IFILNOVA): Cognitive Flourishing

11:15 – 12:30 Robert W. Clowes (IFILNOVA): Cognitive Flourishing in the context of Generative AI

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:15 Marco Fasoli (Sapienza Roma): Digital well-being, overuse and hostile scaffolding

15:15 – 16:30 Daniel Barbarrusa (U. Seville): Informational and Agential Epistemic Challenges of the Internet (joint work with Jesús Navarro (U. Seville))

16:30 – 16:45 Coffee Break

16:45 – 18:00 Maile Costa Colbert (IFILNOVA): Artificial Atmospheres; Ai, Art, and Archives

To join the sessions on Zoom, please get in touch with Gloria Andrada at for the details.

Org. Gloria Andrada, Robert W. Clowes & Richard Menary

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science within the scope of the research projects UIDB/00183/2020 and “GENAI — Exploring Human Cognitive Flourishing against the background of GENerative AI: Sustaining Deep Minds in Our New Cognitive Ecology”.