CultureLab • Workshop

Schopenhauer’s Practical Philosophy

Christopher Janaway, Sandra Shapshay, Patrick Hassan, João Constâncio, Luís Aguiar de Sousa, Paolo Stellino

Workshop dedicated to various topics related to Schopenhauer’s practical philosophy, encompassing not only his moral or ethical philosophy but also his conception of human existence and the possibility of salvation or redemption.


09:00–10:00 Patrick Hassan (Cardiff University): “‘The Poison in the Snake’s Fang’: Schopenhauer’s Account of Malice”

10:00–10:30 Coffee break

10:30–11:30 Paolo Stellino (IFILNOVA/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa): “Schopenhauer on Kant’s arguments against suicide”

11:30–12:30 Christopher Janaway (University of Southampton): “No self, no others? Lessons for Schopenhauer from Indian Philosophy”

12:30–14:30 Lunch

14:30–15:30 João Constâncio (IFILNOVA/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa): “Death and Boredom in Schopenhauer”

15:30–16:30 Luís Aguiar de Sousa (IFILNOVA/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa): “Schopenhauer’s Affirmation of the Will”

17:00–18:00 Sandra Shapshay (City University of New York): “Schopenhauer’s Ethics of Compassion: Pantheistic not Pessimistic”

Org. Luís Aguiar de Sousa and Paolo Stellino.

Join us online here. All welcome!