OutlabCineLab • Thematic Cycle • Public screening

Cinema & Politics – Film programme and Discussions

The Insider (1999), Michael Mann

The Insider
Michael Mann
1999 | 157 min

After seeking the expertise of former “Big Tobacco” executive Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe), seasoned TV producer Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino) suspects a story lies behind Wigand’s reluctance to speak. As Bergman persuades Wigand to share his knowledge of industry secrets, the two must contend with the courts and the corporations that stand between them and exposing the truth. All the while, Wigand must struggle to maintain his family life amidst lawsuits and death threats.

The session on April 10 is hosted by Cossoul and starts at 7 PM. With the participation of Dina Mendonça, researcher and coordinator of the research group Philosophy and Argumentation in Society (ArgLab/IFILNOVA), and Maria Irene Aparício, researcher at CineLab/IFILNOVA and assistant professor at FCSH – NOVA University Lisbon. The discussion will be moderated by Marta Fiolić, a member of the research group Cinema & Politics: Philosophical Approaches.

Free admission.

Cinema & Politics

Cinema & Politics is a film and discussions programme that proposes a critical and reflective analysis of the impact of cinema on contemporary society, addressing philosophical, socio-economic and socio-cultural issues. Through a careful selection of films that explore relevant themes, such as power, democracy, (in)equality, freedom, justice, resistance, memory, ecology, globalization, among others, this cycle aims to stimulate debate and reflection on the relevance of cinema in understanding today’s world.

The programme also offers a space for discussion and exchange of ideas – the sessions will always be followed by discussions, moderated by researchers and students, with the participation of guests with a direct connection to the proposed theme, thus seeking to deepen reflection and encourage the collective construction of the knowledge.

The programme is organized by Marta Fiolić and Maria Irene Aparício of the research group Cinema & Politics: Philosophical Approaches, within the scope of the activities of the Laboratory of Cinema and Philosophy (CineLab) and with the support of the Laboratory of Dissemination (OutLab).

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science under the project UIDB/00183/2020.