Benedetta Zavatta
Appointed research fellow

Benedetta Zavatta is a Researcher at EPLab, IFILNOVA. She was previously a Marie Curie Researcher at ITEM (CNRS/ENS) in Paris and a postdoctoral research fellow of the Humboldt Stiftung at the LMU Munich. She is currently a member of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies and other European associations devoted to the study of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Her principal research interests are German philosophy of the 19th Century, with particular attention to Nietzsche and his sources, and the philosophy of language. Benedetta Zavatta is author of many essays in five languages published on International peer-reviewed Journals, of two books in Italian, and of the monograph Individuality and Beyond: Nietzsche reads Emerson, published by Oxford University Press in 2019. She has also took part in several Research Projects funded by the European Union in the field of Digital Humanities (HyperNietzsche, Discovery, Agora, among others).