Researcher, writer and project manager in the cultural sector, particularly interested in future studies developed in philosophy and the arts, as well as in transfeminist contributions to the imagination and social and ecological thought. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication with a major in Cinema (PUC-Rio, Brazil), a Master’s degree in Aesthetics and Artistic Studies (NOVA FCSH, Portugal) — with the dissertation “Intimidade sem proximidade: percursos do toque e do desejo a partir de Emmanuel Levinas e Donna J. Haraway” [“Intimacy without proximity: journeys of touch and desire from Emmanuel Levinas and Donna J. Haraway”] — and is a PhD candidate in Artistic Studies – Art and Mediation (NOVA FCSH, Portugal) with an FCT scholarship. Her current research focuses on the potential of writing and fable-making as a tool for safeguarding the rights of nature, a research project entitled “More-than-human literatures: weaving stories and reclaiming agencies in the Anthropocene”, that she develops under the guidance of Bartholomew Ryan (IFILNOVA).