Paulo Lima
Appointed Research Fellow

In 2012, I completed a PhD on “Heidegger and the Phenomenology of Human Solitude” at FCSH/NOVA. From 2012 to 2017, I was an Integrated Member of the IEF R&D Research Unit at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. As a member of the Institute, I participated in its strategic project, funded by the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology (PEst-C/FIL/UI0010/2013). While at the Institute, I carried out postdoctoral research on “Freedom and Responsibility in Stoic Thought”, for which I received funding by the Institute and the Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique in Geneva. The funding from the Institute allowed me to conduct a research stay in Utrecht, to work with reputed scholars on Stoicism (Keimpe Algra, Teun Tieleman and Jaap Mansfeld) at the local university. From 2017 to 2018, I was an Integrated Member of the CFUL R&D Research Unit, where I worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the project “Experimentation and Dissidence”, funded by the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology (PTDC/MHC-FIL/1416/2014). As a member of the project’s team, I carried out research on Nietzsche’s and Foucault’s reception of Antiquity, and have proactively collaborated in the organization of several international conferences and the edition of several conference proceedings on the subject of experimentation and dissidence in philosophy and the arts. Since the beginning of 2019, I am an Integrated Member of IFILNOVA R&D Research Unit. As a member of IFILNOVA, I participate in its strategic project, funded by the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology (UID/FIL/00183/2019), and carry out research on ancient and contemporary philosophy in the Culturelab. Also at IFILNOVA, as a member of the Nietzsche Lisbon Group, I am part of the team working in the project “Nihilism and Art in Nietzsche: Fragments”, funded by the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology (PTDC/FER FIL/30172/2017). In the context of the Nietzsche Lisbon Group and the Ars vivendi Research Group, I am developing a project on “Greek Pessimism as a Form of Nihilism in the Young Nietzsche”, for which I recently received funding by the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology as an Assistant Researcher at IFILNOVA.

book chapters
CultureLab • book chapters
From Speech to Pure Visibility: A Problem in Foucault’s Conception of Socratic Parrhesia
From Speech to Pure Visibility: A Problem in Foucault’s Conception of Socratic Parrhesia
Paulo Lima
M. Faustino & H. Telo (Eds.), Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy: Critical Assessments (pp. 241-262). Leiden: Brill.
CultureLab • book chapters
Quel rôle joue la vérité dans le mythe du Protagoras de Platon?
Quel rôle joue la vérité dans le mythe du Protagoras de Platon?
Paulo Lima
A. Tordesillas & M. Corradi (Eds.), La vérité: Platon et les Sophistes. Paris: Vrin (forthcoming).
CultureLab • book chapters
Nomos tês physeôs in Plato’s Gorgias 483e3
Nomos tês physeôs in Plato’s Gorgias 483e3
Paulo Lima
M. J. Carvalho & T. Fidalgo (Eds.), Plato's Gorgias: Labyrinth and Threads (pp. 153-165). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
CultureLab • book chapters
Socrates’ Comparison Between Misology and Misanthropy (Phaedo 89c11-90d8)
Socrates’ Comparison Between Misology and Misanthropy (Phaedo 89c11-90d8)
Paulo Lima
A. V. Serrão, J. G. André, J. R. Pereira & R. Filipe (Eds.), Nos Horizontes da Razão: Homenagem a José Barata-Moura. Lisbon: Universidade de Lisboa.
CultureLab • book chapters
A figura mítica de Édipo como pharmakon. René Girard leitor de Sófocles em A violência e o sagrado
A figura mítica de Édipo como pharmakon. René Girard leitor de Sófocles em A violência e o sagrado
Paulo Lima
M. Curado, L. Coutinho & D. G. Xavier (Eds.), Medicina e Psicologia na Antiguidade (pp. 93-107). Oporto: Húmus.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Converting Philology to Philosophy: A Platonic Model and Its Inversion in Homer and Classical Philology
Converting Philology to Philosophy: A Platonic Model and Its Inversion in Homer and Classical Philology
Paulo Lima
Estudios Nietzsche, 24 (forthcoming).
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
The Human and the Divine in the First Stasimon of Sophocles’ Antigone
The Human and the Divine in the First Stasimon of Sophocles’ Antigone
Paulo Lima
Scholê: Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition, 29 (forthcoming).