Philip Farah
PhD Student

Philip Farah is currently undertaking a PhD in philosophy at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon. His thesis, entitled “The Logic of Value”, revolves around Marx’s late thought, in particular, the relation between abstraction and social objectivity in capitalist modernity. It is funded by an IFILNOVA/FCT scholarship and is written under the supervision of Prof. João Constâncio and the co-supervision of Dr. Bartholomew Ryan.

His areas of interest in philosophy span from Hegel and Marx to the early Critical Theory (Adorno and Horkheimer), and later Marxist currents of the Critique of Value. He also has an interest in French contemporary thinkers, among others, Lacan and Badiou. He is part of IFILNOVA’s Art of Living Research Group as a collaborator member and a member of an informal reading group on Lacan’s Seminars. Philip Farah is also a philosophy translator with several books and articles translated in between English, German, French, and Arabic, the latest being Michael Marder’s The Philosopher’s Plant into French, published with Mimesis in 2021.